HR Mania!
Well, the Adobe thing is a bust, they want someone more senior, and that ain’t me.
And you know, I’d feel really bad about this if it wasn’t for the fact that the HR guy at Manpower has another interview lined up for me(possibly).
Sure it’s for half the money and 1/4 the time($15/hour, 3 months) BUT it’s with the Govt(good exp) AND it’s a junior position(lowest of the low) AND it’s WEB DEV!!!!!
Yes ladies and gents, I MIGHT actually get a job doing web page dev!
Wow, you might think I was happy or something ^_^
So there’s still hope!
Filed under: Blog - @ January 14, 2003 12:00 pm
Well, my condolences, and congratulations!
Glad to hear that things are looking rosier. Web dev is good stuff (well, I wouldn’t really know… although most of the stuff I do these days sorta qualifies…)
Until later, many a happy fark to you and yours. 🙂
Well while you’re at it cook me up a browser that doesn’t suck under Linux. All the Nutscrape family bail regularly, Opera requires arcane libraries from before the dawn of time (cannot find shared library libqt.sumerian.nyahnyahnyah.so2) and Konqueror doesn’t want to display the text on this here fine weebpage without me highlighting everything first. My gruntle ran out. But tell me this – is it gonna be government pr0n?
All I have to say is, I’ll give it my best shot!
Unlikely gov pron….but who knows?I’m looking forward to the idea of web design and learning new things and all that stuff….need more coffee….
yea right gov’ pron is just stacks of numbers with dollar signs infront of it.
the question is: can you actually come up with a harder to read and more infurriating achiving then what they already hace got? I mean that’s some true leet skills to make something that headache inducing with out copious amounts of terrible midi-music and flasing pink things.
and maybe one day i will learn how to spell. = P