Too cold
For months now, I’ve been aware of the possible problem of my CPU being too hot. And being in the hottest room in the house hasn’t helped matters at all. So I have this free program that comes with the motherboard and it keeps track of various board temps and the like, and will sound an alarm is something is wrong.
Well, last night at about 2am, the alarm went off. Here I am thinking that my CPU has gone into critical meltdown!
The internal temp of the case is 25?, which sets off the alarm because it is TOO COLD!
With months of wating to toast marshmellows on my CPU, it turns out it’s now too cold.
This is great. And now that winter is on it’s way, I can keep the computers on to warm the room up.
Filed under: Blog - @ September 23, 2002 12:00 pm