D&D: The Next Generation

Today, with a group of my friends, Liam and I played Basic D&D. Yes, it was old school, red box D&D, and from all accounts, everyone had a good time. My good friend Ben thought that, since we were all in quarantine, we might as well make use of video conference tools and do an […]

Final Goodbyes

The trailer is rented, the final packing is under way, and we’ve made some trips tot he dump and the domation centers to help clear out the house.And through it all I haven’t really had much time to take it all in. People keep asking me how I’m doing, and honestly, I’m just tired. It’s […]

Starting Over

In just over one week, we pack everything we own into a 6×12 trailer and drive across the country to our new home in BC. When we land, we’ll land with family, but land jobless and probably tired. We would leave behind family and friends, our own home and jobs that no longer exist. It’s […]

To touch the bottom

It amazes me, each and every day how much Liam changes. Last night we were at the pool, as we are most nights during the summer, and he was eagerly trying to touch the bottom of the deep end. It’s a new game for him since we let him in without a life vest. He […]

Gun Play

This morning Liam picked up a toy wooden block, with a toy screw in it, and shot me. It was decidedly not a gun and couldn’t hurt me, but I just wasn’t going to let this slide. So I picked up a toy c-clamp(also decidedly not a gun) and shot him back. This went on […]

Ch Ch Ch Changes…

July was a bit of a stressful month, and for Liam it really showed. I mean, the poor kid had his whole world turned around and he just didn’t know how to cope. It started the first week of July. Normally he would have gone to his grandparents on Mondays, three days of day care, […]

Dexter as dad

I’ve been behind on watching Dexter so I’ve been trying to catch up. Watching yesterday reminded me how different Dexter and I are in terms of fatherhood. Sure, one of us is a fictional character, but other than that we do have our parenting differences. He’s off all day at work, and then doesn’t even […]

Brazil Day 1 (mostly)

The day really started with the trip to the airport. No, the day really started with waking up with my wife and hearing Liam chatter on the monitor. We invited him into bed and he almost stayed for an entire 5 minutes, but wanted to head downstairs to watch Dora(or trail, or diggers, he kept […]

French Dora

A long time ago, or at least it felt that way, there was a rumor going round that when Dora the Explorer was going to be shipped up to Canada, that instead of Spanish she would have to speak French. As it turns out, this wasn’t the case. She’s still speaking Spanish(and wearing shirts that […]

Disney Here We Come!

Our flights are booked, the condo is booked(and deposit paid) and we’re totally geared up for visiting the sunny land of Florida! I’ve been to Disney World twice; once has a kid(9 or 10) and 7 years ago with a group of friends. Not sure which visit was more exciting 🙂 We’re going in April, […]