Beg Borrow or Steal

Played Splinter Cell for the X-box tonight, and that game would be the only reason I would get an X-Box so far. Having said that, if I did get an X-Box and Splinter Cell, I would be bored of it in about a week and never play it again. But what a week that would […]

The new Crack….

Stikfas is the new crack. I don’t know what it is about these little guys that makes them soooooooo kewl. Maybe it’s the abundance of parts, maybe it’s the silly little stickers that you get, maybe it’s the kewl poses that they can do, maybe it’s because they’re $8 EACH! But I have to have […]


Think I just aced my Java exam. This of course means I’ve bombed it. But it was open book, the questions were right out of the assignments that we had(so of course I could use those as well) and Sun has some GREAT documentation on Java. So all in all I feel really good about […]

Not my day….

Now I find out that my page doesn’t work well in IE6…..I don’t know what the fuck is going on. So, until I figure it out I’m going back to 13a…..

Friday the 13th

Today is supposed to be unlucky for everyone. Not that it makes much of a difference to me, I’m just warning people is all. Today I also get to put up the Christmas lights, after checking to make sure that they all work. I also get to go to my brothers place for pizza tonight. […]

More Interviews…..

Had another interview today, but that sounds like I’ve had a lot. In fact it’s only been three with private companies and four with HR companies(mind you, they don’t like to be called that). I really have no sense on how these things go. On the one hand they didn’t offer me a job on […]

Post addition…..

Well, I was wrong. Around 10am this morning they rang with the new keys and I gleefully went out to get the three tonns of mail that was waiting. Two bank statements, a letter saying my credit card limit has increased, and a Christmas card from my brother. Not bad really.

New pics and stuff

The Santa thing went off without a hitch Saturday. Everyone tells me that I made a great Santa, and that’s fine, because it’s the only time I’m gonna do it ^_^ It wasn’t so bad, but most of the kids that were SUPPOSED to be there wern’t, so I was calling out a lot of […]

Not to mention…..

Cor blimey, I taste like Tea. I am a subtle flavour, quiet and polite, gentle, almost ambient. My presence in crowds will often go unnoticed. Best not to spill me on your clothes though, I can leave a nasty stain. What Flavour Are You? Take the ‘Which Anime pet are you?’ test! Pochacco is a […]

Shogun Sidekick

I’ve been playing Shogun: Total War for the last couple of days, and I suck. I knew I did, but I’ve had the game for a little while and JUST decided to install it. It took four tries to pass the tutorial battle. That should have been a sign. Now there’s other aspects to the […]