Busy Weekend

Or at least it felt that way. As you may or may not know Tara and I went to see Where the Wild Things Are on Friday. I’m not so sure what to think about it. Before I go any further though, I will express what Tara said because it is the truth; “You’re just […]

Working Kitchen

It’s been roughly one week since I started working from the kitchen. The last two days I’ve spent the whole day here, and before that it was just the afternoons. Monday is an exception as I had time off, so I worked in the office and then did nuthin 🙂 I have to say that […]

Home Work

I’m starting to wonder if I should stop working from home, or at least cut it down. Yes, it’s incredibly convenient to work from home. There’s no commute and I can get some other house stuff done while working. The problem is that all the distractions that I’ve collected over the years happen to be […]

Weekend Update

On training all week, and I found out that it’s all based on recordings of older classes. This is interesting as there’s going to be lab work…and I have no lab. Oh well, there’s a meeting on it at 2 so we’ll see. The weekend was sad. Tara’s mother jetted off home and Tara misses […]


So I had my 6month review with my manager yesterday. Well, not so much a review as a ‘check in’ to see how things were going, if there was anything that I wanted to bring up, etc. For the most part I was doing just fine, there was one hickup that was already addressed and […]