Another piece of my Childhood gone

My Dad informed me that sometime during the week Billy Van had died. Billy Van? Name didn’t ring a bell. He then told me that he played the Count on Hilarious House of Freightenstein. OH MY GOD! There was a time I couldn’t make it through the day without watching that show! I wasn’t around […]

Welcome to your Friday

I’ll be your host, Sidekick. Good God, didn’t get ANY sleep last night! Well, any isn’t the right word, but I sure as hell didn’t get enough. The last time I looked it was 4am, and my alarm went off at 7am, so doing the math I got….A PISS POOR AMOUNT OF SLEEP! But I’m […]

More updates

Well, not really. I’ve got some more Klingon-Penguin pics, and not all of them from Fark ^_^ It’s been a little busy around here in the past few days. We’re having the house painted(interior) so I’ve been up to my eyeballs in fumes and dust. But I have to say, this is the MOST professional […]


This is just a quick thought, but to anyone that really knows me, I wonder if I can legitimly put down Speech impairment as a disability? I know I can’t spell, but most of the time I can’t talk properly either….. Just wondering…..


New thingy in the pics section today. It’s a really great example on how one can totally waste a Sunday. And I did. Have to go pay rent today, mail a letter, rework my cover letter, and call people. Not very exciting yet.

Hey Hey

Alrighty, clean and sober and under control! Had to do the drunk thing, I try and do it every year because it’s lots of fun ^_^ I’m really looking forward to this year as a year of change. I’m going to break old habits(and probably start new ones to take their place), loose weight(and hopefully […]

New Year Drunk

So drunk. Gonna sleep with Jim, but not in that way. Dirty. Had a lot of fun, drinking just before I puked. Just…..Jim will find out. The hard way! Jim Loves you! he he So drunk. Must sleep. Moose slippers he he Dougs not involved. Hope my parents don’t read this. Not gay. really. Jen […]

More Gundam…..

Just went out and bought Char’s Counter Attack on DVD today. Probably paid too much for it, but I wanted it. It’s a legitimate release so the sub-titles and whatnot will actually be good. This will be a refreshing change from the sketchy sub-titles of the Zeta set that I have. So that’s what I’m […]

More Christmas Cheer!

Hello all again. Here I am spreading more Christmas cheer ^_^ I had a wonderful day and received(and gave) many great gifts! I also bought myself a router so now I have all my computers hooked up ^_^ I also have more fun to go to this week, including a nice little visit with G […]

Merry Christmas!

And a Ho Ho Ho to all the people that are far away from me. I hope you all are having a wonderful day and are giddy with excitement as you open your gifts! Due to a scheduling blunder, I get to have Christmas tomorrow. But that’s ok, since it was an arbritrary date anyway. […]