I could be at home playing Temple of Elemental Evil, but no, I’m at a Java class.This week we have been promised that we would learn some actual Java. I’m not holding my breath. Mind you, I have learned a couple of interesting things already, most of which I have forgotten already.This is the last […]
OK OK, I know I said that I would have the normal page up and going again sometime today, but that’s not gonna happen. The reason is a good one though. See, with the current new design, I would have to manually add entries, and then make archive files of each entry. And because of […]
I should have thesidekick.ca back to normal by the end of the day. I have the server all set up, and we’re set up the firewall to kill any outgoing smtp packets from my machine. It won’t stop hackers from invading the machine, but it should stop the outside world from receiving spam from that […]
Spam Spam Spam Spam
Ya, the spam thing was still happeneing as of 10am Monday morning. Still pissing me off, gotten to a point where I locked down the router for everyone, then realised that it was the Linux box. So I did the only thing I could think of, reformat and start again. No big deal really, I’m […]
New Look!
Hey Hey!<br> Welcome to the new look of the same site on the same server with a new domain!<br> I’m happy that the change over is finally done, it now allows me to start adding content to the site!<br> The same old stuff is here, minus a few things that weren’t being updated, and I […]
All Nighter
02:15<br> Too old for this crap.<br> Well, that may not be the case, it could be a few things. I’m always tired on a Sunday, I probably should have gotten a nap in before starting this, and generally, for what ever reason, watching Anime on a couch makes me sleepy. Didn’t get NEAR as far […]
Revolutions, not Revolting
Wow, there’s a catch phrase ^_^<br> I’ve stopped compairing the second and third Matrix movies to the first one, because, and this took too long to figure out, they have nothing to do with one another. I mean sure, they shar the same world, the same characters, and the overall same plot, but other than […]
More Matrix
Gonna go see Matrix Revolutions tonight. And because of that I had to rent REloaded last night to give it a second viewing.<br> It went better this time. I had problems with it the first time for a few reasons(possible spoilers, but if you haven’t seen it, it’s not my fault):<br> <li>The million Smith fight […]
Well, another Monday has come and gone, and I have to say this whole book thing is already starting to annoy me.<br> Thing is, I know where I want to take it, I know generally what it’s about, it’s just the getting from A to C while trying to think of how much time I […]
Movies at Work
Watching Evil Dead 2 at work right now. It’ll be about the 1000000’th time I’ve seen it, but it still rocks! I guess that’s the advantage of having a DVD play in the laptop. I can just alt-tab to and away from it ^_^ This should be the last day of this site. I’ll keep […]