
So there they are, taking over the left side of the page.Read, enjoy, or don’t. Well, seems my e-mail account is a target for the Nigerian scammers these days.I have received three different ones in the past couple of weeks and it’s starting to get on my nerves. I replied to one of them(from […]

The Longest Day

Seems that today will be the longest day ever.First off, the laptop died and I still don’t have it back, so I haven’t actually been able to do any work.Not that anyone has noticed mind you. OK, so I work till 5:30. Then I zoom off to a class at 6:30 and that goes till […]

Movies and the like

Yup, just came back from Return of the King.Kinda hard to type right now but there are a couple of things that I want to say before I crash hard on that pillow. 2003 has been mostly crapulent for movies. There are probably a total of 6 that I would say were any good, and […]

First Snow

The first snow always scares me to death.People who have lived in Canada all their lives all of a sudden don’t know how to drive in the winter.It happens every year, around the same time.Why is it so hard to remember this shit?Anyway, it’s because of this that I didn’t go to Kingston.I’ll give the […]

Getting my Bling On!

Life is funny. I’ll try and do this post mostly in the way I was thinking about it.We’ll see how it goes. There was a time when I would shake my head at friends that would swoon all over their cars. They would know every little in and out, they would know every scratch and […]


Why is it that when I have no money, or money tied up in something else, or money that I could spend but really shoudn’t, why during all this, does the Canadian dollar rise and makes things in the States kinda cheap?Like anime?I saw the first three G-Gundam box sets going for just under $50/each…that’s […]


Oh yea, and I ordered a bunch of stuff from Norah this week.Mostly for other people, but I’m also getting myself another ring.For some reason I wanted one on my thumb. Guess I’m allowed to do that.It should be fairly low key, which is what I was looking for. Still an hour left before I […]


Back online!And, while you don’t see this, I have a snazzy little way of making blog entries and archiving them at the same time. The only thing that it doesn’t do is create forum entries automagically, but that’s a future thing and it might be sooner than I think.Other than that, I’ve done what I […]

All nighter pt2

OK, so Carleton U is doing this All Night Anime thing and I think I’ll go.Seems that it’s a sort of mini convention, with more things to do than just watch anime.Like Anime North, only much smaller, and 15 hours long ^_^Will probably suck just as much, but it’s only $12, and it’s something to […]

Because I can

First off, once again, congratulations to Rich and Sarah on the birth of their son!WOOT! On other news, I’m working on archives of all my past posts. They will be available through some means soonish.And that’s an ish with a capital EGH! Oh, and I’m at work again. And I’m updating the website. Means a […]