Webcam Blues

Well, it seems that I have the ONLY webcam that is NOT supported by Linux! This is after much searching around and almost getting drivers that work, but then they say my camera isn’t supported and the last time these people did anything was last year….*sigh* This is rather irritating and I still hold hopes […]

Drunk Again…..

Having coffee trying to sober up a little, probably more just to stay awake. Gonna play games all night and kill and general chaos. Having fun in Bracebridge, I’ll have some pictures to post on the site. Got some great shots of the nice trees going through Algonquin park, and I might have some Monday […]

Gearing up for the weekend…..

Heading out to Bracebridge tonight for a weekend of gaming and drinking. I’ve done this a few times this year and it got me thinking that I should visit Ben more often in TO. I’m sure he’d agree. Spent most of the week installing games and the like on the windows box. It’s nice now […]


So very dry in the house. Last night I though a million little bugs were biting my legs and feet. Very hard to sleep while this is happeneing. So I changed my sheets(they had been on the bed for little over a week), opened the window(so I would stop sweating) and I finally got to […]

Model Madness

So I’m scanning through Hobby Japan, when I come across something odd. It was a model of Rei Ayanami from Evangellion. This in itself isn’t so odd. The fact that it was 1/1 SCALE WAS! Yes, at 450,000円(yen) you too can have your very own Rei Ayanami! Fully Posible! Just the thought of insane fanboys […]


Just watched the first episode of Gundam Seed! Subbed and everything! Wow, some people work fast.Anyway, first impressions: I LIKE IT! But that’s not hard to do. It really smacks of the first episodes of the original and Zeta. The look is a very modern style, like Full Metal Panic, but the designs are very […]


Just got news that Doug is on his way to London for a job interview with 3M! I wish him the best! It’s funny, I look around at my friends and oddly, I almost see a pattern. We all seem to be at the same stage of our lives. At 27, we’re all working harder […]


I think that being a Telus subscriber, they should give me a free monkey. Finally getting new tires on the car tomorrow. woo. Download more anime that I’m not gonna watch. Not just yet anyway. God I’m soooooo bored.

Computers, I stab at thee…..

I’m having problems putting Linux on the laptop. The only decent one that’s worked so far is Mandrake 9, and it freezes then I use a menu in Gnome. I think that’s because I had the latest version of XFree86, and it didn’t like that. All the other ones have had problems installing because the […]

The Transporter

Where do I begin? Will it be the lack of plot or character depth? The ‘Super Dave Osborne’ stunt dummies? The piles and piles of greasy goons? The over abundance of make shift weapons and stupid stupid Europeans? The fact that Mercedes has put car safety on the back burner and makes all their cars […]