Monday Again….

Had to happen. It’s Monday. Well, I won’t talk much about the shuttle accident on Saturday. It’s a shame. I remember the last one and where I was, and no I think I’ll remember what I was doing at the time of this one(mind you, it was looking for boobies on Fark, but I’ll remember).Sunday […]


And another day to weigh in. Seems my rapid(well, two pounds instead of one) has deminished, and it looks like I gained a pound the week before last, but now I’m right on schedule. I think I’m going to keep a general record of what I eat and see what I might cut down on. […]


WOOHOO Friday! Not that it’s any different for me, but others out there might like to know that it’s Friday. And then again, some may not. It’s Friday the 31st, and that has to mean it’s a good day. Because Friday the 13th is bad….you get the idea. Right, anyway, It’s Friday, and I haven’t […]


So I get this call from a guy in Barrie regarding a job in Bermuda. He got my name from Shayne and I guess Shayne said some nice things. Anyway, the job required ISP experience so I didn’t get it. BUT, he asked for my e-mail address so that he could send his contact info […]


WOOT! Actual updates, and ADDITIONS! I have added a video section. Currently it has but one video, a Week in the Life type thing. Not very good, but it’s all pics from the webcam. As I said earlier, I’ll be adding videos from my trip, once I figure on a good compression ratio. Anyway, enjoy […]


So cold my car almost wouldn’t start. So cold that just as my car was starting, the oil light came on. So cold that I couldn’t even shit myself when the oil light came on. It seems to have corrected itself. The oil level seemed fine, and I’m getting it changed on Monday. I’m also […]

Mysteries and Books

I was once told of a place that stored books for people to read(I mean, what else are ya gonna do with them?). But the odd thing was, these books weren’t for sale! As a trusting consumer, I found this hard to believe. But I had to search this place out. I found one near […]

I tried….really I did

I tried to use Frontpage, I tried to get used to it, I tried to like it. I failed. Miserably. While I’m sure there are many things to like about FrontPage, the one thing that I can’t stand is the autoformatting of my HTML code. And the ability to have it NOT TURN OFF! I […]

Shiney Whiney People

In a Java class, one is expected to WRITE Java code. Funny concept I know, but it’s a fact.So, Russian prof guy doesn’t have enough copies of the programs for the class, BUT he has overheads. So if you don’t have a copy, and if you have a bitchy neighbour that won’t let you share […]

HR Mania!

Well, the Adobe thing is a bust, they want someone more senior, and that ain’t me. And you know, I’d feel really bad about this if it wasn’t for the fact that the HR guy at Manpower has another interview lined up for me(possibly). Sure it’s for half the money and 1/4 the time($15/hour, 3 […]